The Official Home of the Sheepdog. Your challenge coin, clothing and apparel store.
The Official Home of the Sheepdog. Your challenge coin, clothing and apparel store.
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Sheepdog United is created by Sheepdogs, for Sheepdogs and the people who support them. To fully understand Sheepdog United one must first know what a “Sheepdog” is. The term Sheepdog is a common phrase among Police, Military and Firefighting personnel and it originates from the idea that there are three types of people in the world. First, there are “sheep”, gentle and productive people who only harm one another by accident. Second are the “wolves”, cunning, hostile and deceiving creatures who prey on the vulnerable Sheep. Third are the brave “Sheepdogs” who protect the sheep from wolves and the dangerous perils of life. The efforts of a Sheepdog are never-ending yet often go unnoticed and frequently taken for granted. Our goal at Sheepdog United is to unify the different types of Sheepdogs and their supporters together under one label to recognize Sheepdogs as the heroes they truly are.
Sheepdog United is more than just a brand for the “Good Guys”. Sheepdog United and the Sheepdog Head Logo are reminders that there are very exceptional people in our world. It takes a brave person to run towards danger to protect another. It takes a selfless individual to rush into a burning building to preserve life and property. Imagine the courage one must possess to confront a dangerous criminal, or travel to foreign lands to protect country and home. Although Military, Police and Firefighters, first come to mind when discussing the term Sheepdog, there are many different types of Sheepdogs and not all wear a uniform. Sheepdog is a mentality. It is a trait that is deeply ingrained in many of us and is sometimes awaken at the most crucial time. For example, the many passengers of United Airlines flight 93 who attacked their hijackers on September 11th, 2001, instinctively jeopardized their own lives to save the lives of thousands. It was the dormant Sheepdog predisposition that transformed a group of travelers into modern heroes.
Who can purchase Sheepdog United apparel?
Sheepdog United and our logo represent our relentless defenders. Sheepdog United also represents our hero’s proud family members, the citizens who support Sheepdogs and most importantly the fallen who have paid the ultimate sacrifice and the loved ones they are survived by. Sheepdog United is a tight knit community that is ever growing with support. We are a collection of strong-minded individuals who live by integrity, respect, loyalty and honor. If this describes you and your values, you are Sheepdog United and welcome to the family. A Sheepdog’s task is unbelievably difficult and cannot be done without the support from the citizens (Sheep) they protect. Help Sheepdog United support the men and women who selflessly lay their life down before a total stranger. Respectfully wear your Sheepdog United logo for the Sheepdogs who are fighting, the heroes who have fallen and their families they have left behind. Show the world that we are the good who stand as one, regardless of gender, race or religion.
What is the Sheepdog United logo?
The Sheepdog United logo is the official logo of the Sheepdog. It is a physical symbol that represents and recognizes our Sheepdog’s tireless efforts. The actual logo is the head of a Sheepdog. Its scowl depicts the fortitude required to stand up to danger and the courage needed to suppress evil. The three X’s represent our foremost protectors: Law enforcement, Firefighters, and Military personnel. The three X’s also symbolize Integrity, Honesty, and Respect. It is the combination of these three values that separate the Sheepdogs from the Wolves. Which do you represent? Prove it.
What is the Sheepdog United Protection Coin?
The Sheepdog United Protection Coin is similar to the modern-day rabbit’s foot. Gift the coin to someone special in your life you want to keep safe. For example, a soldier being deployed across seas, a Police Officer in your family, a neighbor who fights fires, a veteran, a fellow Sheepdog, an injured Sheepdog, your child heading off to college, a friend headed through troubled times or a child being bullied by a young “wolf”. You may want to purchase a coin for yourself for a little added protection or simply as a keepsake to show your support for Sheepdogs. The Sheepdog United Protection coin is a physical reminder that you are not alone. Always keep your Sheepdog Protection Coin on your person as a reminder that you are supported by millions who are united as one body. With this assurance, one becomes stronger, braver, protected and unstoppable.
-Sheepdog United
The Sheepdog United logo is the official logo of the Sheepdog.
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The Official Home of the Sheepdog